The most trusted, clinically-proven approach to understand and optimize your fertility and build the family you’ve dreamed of!

The Fertility Fix is the only program of its kind that not only teaches you about your fertility, but helps you truly


Understand your fertility


Uncover your unique needs to successfully conceive, and


your fertility challenges to help you grow your family. 

Not biased between natural conception and IVF, the Fertility Fix is targeted to help YOU find the path that will help you achieve your fertility goals, now!.

Before I share the details of this (truly!) life-changing program, let’s talk about who this program is really for:


  • You have been thinking about what it would be like to be a mom, and you know you’re ready!
  • You’ve already read a lot and implemented a lot of tips to improve your health- you eat healthfully, choose organic when you can, and have maybe even cleaned up your lifestyle in other ways to prepare for pregnancy.
  • But you’re overwhelmed by where to go from here- there are SO many “experts” with tips that seem good, but will it really all make a difference? 
  • You’re READY for real guidance from a DOCTOR who has over 15 years of experience and knows what actually WORKS.
  • You’re ready to feel CLEAR on your next steps so you can let go of the overwhelm and frustration and move with confidence to the next level.

Whether you’ve:

  • Just started on your family-building journey and you want to be proactive to ensure you achieve a fast and healthy pregnancy and baby 
  • Been trying for 6 - 12 months and you’ve not found success and you know you need help, but not quite sure you are ready to go down the path of conventional fertility support. 
  • Struggled for a long time now, experienced failed medicated cycles, IUIs, and even failed rounds of IVF or miscarriages, and you’re experiencing a loss of hope- wondering if you will ever conceive, and looking to find something that truly WORKS this time.  

    You’re in the right place  

I’m going to share with you the exact approaches and methods that have helped hundreds of my patients conceive, overcoming even long-time infertility in cases that felt hopeless.

I’m going to give you the tools and resources to better understand your fertility (beyond the diagnosis and into WHY that is happening) and most importantly, give you the unparalleled support you need to be successful on your journey to create the family of your dreams.

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • Gained an understanding of the key factors necessary for ideal fertility
  • Identified which of the key lifestyle changes you should focus on to be able to get pregnant
  • Updated your diet to ensure the right energy balance and vitamin/mineral intake to support your optimal fertility
  • Cleaned up your lifestyle to remove the fertility-harming compounds you’re unknowingly exposed to every day
  • Ensured you have had a thorough clinical workup, including the key labs many fertility doctors miss, don’t run, and so can’t correct
  • Looked at the labs you’ve already had drawn from a more holistic perspective to understand not just the “diagnosis”, but the WHY underneath
  • Moved from feeling overwhelmed and discouraged to feeling calm and clear on next steps on your fertility journey
  • Shifted from feeling alone to feeling fully supported on your path


" Dr. Jaclyn provided us with the guidance and care we needed to improve our fertility and our chances for a healthy pregnancy.  After almost 2 years of trying to get pregnant, I became obsessed with all the testing, lab results and outcomes.  As a doctor myself, I couldn't help but to analyze all the medical details to the point of distress.  Dr. Jaclyn took that load off our backs.  I was able to trust in her to pay attention to those details, while my husband and I refocused on our relationship.  Today, just weeks away from the arrival of our baby girl, I can’t thank her enough for doing what she does.  I recommend her to anyone I know struggling with infertility, without hesitation."

-Zynthia and Jason

Dr. Jaclyn is an inspirational teacher with a wealth of knowledge and experience.  This is a course you must take!  It will expand your understanding of what it takes to optimize fertility for both men and women.

- Dr. Shana McQueen

"Just after turning 34, years old my husband and I were told by 2 different Reproductive Endocrinologists that I was in premature ovarian failure and I would never have biological children. They could not give us a reason for why this happened so suddenly.  Looking for some hope we consulted with Dr. Jaclyn. With her expertise and encouragement my body made a miraculous recovery and we now have 4 beautiful children after 5 years of infertility.   Two sets of twins is a busy house but we are so appreciative of Dr.Jaclyn and her insight and passion."

-Ippolito & Kenzie

My husband and I completed your program, started on the supplements and lifestyle change you suggested, and got pregnant that month with our rainbow baby! He is now 10 months old, and we named him Romeo, because our road through infertility and conception was “ our greatest love story”. We are so thankful for your guidance!

- Kady & Joe

Kelly C., Boulder, CO

"This course was so well laid out!  It was easy to follow and had lots of relevant information that I could implement right away.  I feel so much more confident about my ability to conceive and I’m so excited to bring a healthy baby into the world!"

Jane S., Bronx, NY

"Excellent course!  Dr. Jaclyn is a great presenter and I’m so happy to say I feel like I got more than my money’s worth!.  Thank you!" 

Stacie H., Minneapolis

"I learned so much more than I was hoping for!  Coming from someone who has been unable to conceive for the last 4 years, I have found strength to move forward in this journey with new hope, a completely new perspective and lots more tools in hand.  Thank you!"

What’s Included

        Understand and Find Your Root Cause

It’s time to dig deeper.  Maybe you have a lot of questions, or you have a sinking feeling that something is wrong and no one has been able to uncover it yet.  Or maybe you have a diagnosis already, like PCOS, poor sperm quality or egg quality, or unexplained infertility and you want to really understand what’s underlying that!  This section is for you!  

We’re going to dig DEEP into the details of your fertility so you can walk away with doctor-level expertise.  Literally, this information is based on the SAME information that Dr. Jaclyn teaches doctors every month!  

You are smart enough to understand the physiology of how things work and why they happen that way, and sometimes, when you boost your knowledge in these areas, A-HA moments come to you, because you know your own “case” more than any practitioner does!   Things like,

  • I’ve been timing intercourse wrong or thought I was ovulating when I was ovulating at a different time!
  • I have clear signs of hormonal imbalances like PCOS, estrogen dominance or low progesterone that have not been addressed
  • My egg quality challenges are not just due to age- I have signs that there are some underlying issues I can address

     If you like to be a sleuth about your health, you’re going to LOVE these modules!

Fix the Foundations

Optimal fertility is about MUCH more than simply being in good health.  But healthy foundations are also critical for success when trying to conceive and have a healthy baby!  Our first modules lay the framework for you to build upon.  

You might think, “I know, I know- I know this stuff already, Dr. Jaclyn! Do you know how much time I’ve spent on the internet?”  Well, yes, yes I do know- because ALL of my patients and clients have too.  You’ve probably come across blogs and programs telling you you need to go gluten free, keto, paleo, dairy free, low FODMAP, low histamine, low fat, high fat, vegetarian, and so on.  Or you’ve been worried about your weight, or whether you’re overexercising, or not sleeping enough and more.

Answering my patients’ questions for the last 15 years, I know how to cut to the chase & focus in on what you need to do. What actually WORKS.  And most importantly, how to be successful with the changes you make!

Targeting your Fix

Now that you know the underlying factors for your fertility, it's time to get to work fixing them! 

In these lessons, we will discuss more specifically the approaches and protocols that Dr. Jaclyn uses with her own clients for the most common underlying causes for fertility challenges.

When you enroll during this special launch period, you'll get: ($5021 value)

  • 6-week physician-guided course! 
  • Guided video lessons to teach you ALL about your fertility & lead you to a better solution ($4,000)
  • Worksheets & assessments to keep you on track to success ($597)
  • Custom supplement protocols ($497)
  • Daily 2-minute tips emails ($127)
  • Access to the Fertility Fix private group for Dr. Jaclyn & her team’s support ($297)
  • An AMAZING community of women to walk this journey with! (Priceless!)
  • 15% off Dr. Jaclyn's supplement store
  • TONS OF BONUSES! (see below)

Second Opinion Lab Guide

Curious how your fertility labs stack up compared to OPTIMAL, not just NORMAL?  Dr. Jaclyn's Second Opinion Lab Guide will help you see where you fall and where there might still be improvements to make, even if your doc told you you're "normal"

6 Weeks of Live Q&A with Dr. Jaclyn ($2970 value)

In our closed Fertility Fix community- get the deeper details and ask any and all questions, even the ones you may not want to ask your own doc!

Fertility Success Daily Planner

Designed for your success and used daily by Dr. Jaclyn, this downloadable daily planner will help you hit your goals for nutrition, hydration, movement, joy, oh, yeah, and regular work and personal goals too ;)

Fertility Tech Guide

All of Dr. Jaclyn's favorite apps and tech solutions to support your optimal fertility.

Optimizing Timing & Keeping it FUN!

Dr. Jaclyn's tips to nail your fertile window (and with a smile on your faces!)

Plus, you'll be backed by our 14-day money-back guarantee! 


Let me make it totally clear:

The Fertility Fix is the most comprehensive, step-by-step fertility support and implementation program available for couples who are excited and COMMITTED to improving their fertility to conceive a healthy baby this year. 

What you will learn is next-level.  It’s not dumbed-down. It’s based upon what Dr. Jaclyn teaches the doctors she trains, and your doctor may even be shocked with what you know and understand!

Our community is highly selective and filled with helpful, motivating, uplifting, and super supportive members who are trying to conceive.  When you join us, you’ll become a part of this amazing community.

Now, here’s the thing:

By the end of 14 days, you will have received access to the first 2 modules.  Meaning, you’ll have had the chance to learn more about your root causes, and what your labs be telling you that your doctor did not, , BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated in a couple of weeks, simply reach out to us, show us you’ve put in the time and work, and we’ll refund your investment in your health and your fertility.

Burning Q’s couples like you asked before grabbing their access

Still "Thinking about it"? 

You should give The Fertility Fix a 14-day, risk-free try if you’re motivated by any of the following:

You are just ready for that baby… like reeealllly ready

Whether you are just getting started on your own or you’ve seen fertility specialists in your area for a year or more, we get the feeling- enough already.  I’ve been through enough.  Let’s just be pregnant now.  

More importantly, you’re ready to understand why you’ve not had success and unlock the key to your own fertility journey so you can move on and live the life you’ve dreamed.

You are sick of not getting answers and want to understand WHY you’ve not been successful conceiving yet

Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve had several failed rounds of IVF, this course will provide you with an explanation of exactly WHAT it takes to get pregnant and WHY things don’t always go as planned.  

More importantly, you’ll walk away with the tools you need and steps to take to FIX it!

 I personally cannot wait to work with you over these next 6 weeks...


Helping couples conceive my life’s work, along with creating the systems and tools to help other doctors be successful with this too.  It has also literally transformed my own life and helped me to create the family I’ve always wanted (even in my 40s!).

I’ve experienced the frustration of not knowing what was wrong with my own fertility or what I could do about it- it’s actually what drove me to become a doctor in the first place.  I was unsatisfied with the “pill for an ill” approach I’d received by my own ObGyn when my menstrual cycle wasn’t right, and knew there must be a better way.

At this point, I’ve had the true gift and honor of working with thousands of couples over the years, and while I can’t possibly see every couple in the world in my own practice, I truly believe that this information should be accessible to EVERY couple, and it’s my mission to make it so.

To experience the level of clarity and freedom my patients report as a result of having a crystal-clear fertility roadmap is what I want for you.  When they hit that level of understanding and they come back to me with not only questions, but their own impressions as to what’s happening (and they’re RIGHT!)- that’s what I want for you.

Should you choose to accept my invitation to join me, I personally guarantee that these next 6 weeks will be eye-opening (and may I even say life-changing?) for you and your future family.  

I look forward to meeting you personally inside the Fertility Fix!


ALL my best wishes for you!
Dr. Jaclyn

Basic VIP Root Cause Complete
Full course- ALL videos, worksheets, sample protocols & bonuses ($4597 value) x x x
Access to private Fertility Fix community ($297) x x x
6 weeks of live Q&A with Dr. Chasse x x x
Second Opinion lab review by Dr. Chasse & team x x
Private 1:1 consult with Dr. Chasse (60 min) x x
Customized Supplement Plan x x
Root Cause Testing: Hormones DUTCH Test & custom recorded interpretation ($600 value) x
Root Cause Testing: Oxidative stress, Omega-3 status, Mitochondrial function, Toxic Burden, Methylation, and Nutrient Deficiency: And custom recorded interpretation ($750 value) x
2 additional 30-minute follow ups with Dr. Jaclyn & team x
Supplement discount (for 1 year) 10% 15% 20%
$299 (plus 5 more monthly payments of $299) $349 (plus 5 more monthly payments of $349) $599 (plus 5 more monthly payments of $599)
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now